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Old 11-16-2007, 09:11 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Who's the Boss? The question is answere Part 3

By the time Angela and Mona left the house to go to work, Tony knew exactly what to do. He went to the garage and picked up his tool box. He walked over to the foot of the stairs leading to Mona's apartment and looked around. What would he say if Angela came home for some reason? Or Mona? He took a deep breath and climbed the stairs. He stared at the closed door and visualized Mona's apartment. When he felt certain he knew exactly where the sofa was, and on which part of it Angela would sit the next time she spanked Mona. Tony went to work. He drilled a hole in the door. A small one, just large enough for one eye, perhaps and inch in diameter. He looked through it and happily realized he had been right. The angle was perfect. He would be able to see all of Angela's long legs, as well as Mona's chubby, round (and bare!) bottom as it was spanked cherry red. He went back to the garage and fashioned a small plug with a round thin overlap, sanded it to smooth perfection aand painted it the exact color of the Mona's door. He trotted back up the stairs and fit the plug into the hole. Perfect. The overlap blended into the door and he would be able to use it to pry out the plug. He cleaned up all traces of sawdust caused by the drilling and whistled while he skipped down the stairs. "Now all I do do is wait." He said aloud.
He didn't have to wait long. Just two weeks later, Angela threw open the front door.
"Where is mother?" Angela angerly demanded to know as she burst into the house.
"Whoa! Angela, what's the matter?" Tony asked startled.
"She left the office today without typing the notes of my meeting with Mr. Gipson this afternoon. "That's what's the matter!"
"Oh! Angela...I'am sure Mona will do it." Tony soothed. Then remembering the peephole he longed to use, he continued; "She'll get around to doing her job....Sooner or later, Don't worry!"
"Angela clamped her teeth together, her eyes widening "I need the notes now. Where is she?" Angela asked again with forced calm.
"She went out." He explained with a shrug. "With Jeff!" He added mischievously
"Jeff!" Angela spat. "That...that sex addict!" Mother will be out all night!"
"Now Angela calm down." Tony soothed. "Mona said she'd be home by midnight!"
"Huh! Angela scoffed. "That'll be the day she's home when she's suppose to be. "Well....I'll just wait up for her!" Angela decided. "She'll type those notes tonight....I'll see to that!"
"Come on Angela, relax." Tony suggests. "Mona's not here. There's nothing you can do about it right now. Why don't we watch some tv..Huh? It will take your mind off...uh!...stuff." Tony smiled.
"I guess you're right, I'll just have to wait and deal with Mother when she gets home." Angela sighed as she sat down on the sofa. "But...when she gets here, I'am going to sp......,I"am to deal with her!" Angela promised. She folded her arms across the blue jacket of her suit. She crossed one long, slender leg over the other. Her short skirt hiked up to mid-thigh, her legs looked nearly bare in sheer, flesh-toned stockings. She anxiously swung one foot so rapidly, Tony thought her black high-hell pump would fly across the room.
Angela sat fidgeting through one sitcom after another. Each time she heard a car, she leaped off the sofa and strode to the window to peer out. By the time the late news came on, she was pacing the living room like a caged tiger, and nothing Tony said would calm her down.
"Angela!" Tony began.
"Tony...Go to bed!" Angela snapped.
Tonys jaw dropped...and he stared at "The Boss!"
"I mean....Why don't you go to bed now, Tony?" Angela suggested softly. "I can wait up for mother, when she gets here....We'll have some...ah!...things to do. There's no reason for you to stay up too." Angela smiled.
"Okay Angela." Tony agreed, stretching his arms. "I guess I could use a little shut eye.' He walked over to the staircase. "Goodnight, Angela!"
"Goodnight Tony!"
Tony forced himself to walk slowly up the stairs, his heart pounding in anticipation of the coming event. Tonight was finally the night! He paced his room and frequently looked out his bedroom window for a sign of Mona. After what seemed like an eternity, he heard the famliar sound fo Mona's stiletto heels on the sidewalk. He carefully peered out the window from behind his curtain and saw Mona casually striding toward her apartment. He breathlessly watched her climb the stairs. He stared as she bent over, her delightfully full, round bottom stretched tightly against her snug, black skirt, as she fitted the key into the lock, opened the door and entered her apartment.
He walked over to his bedroom door and put his ear against it. He could hear Angela quietly, slowly, deliberately walk up the stairs and take the few steps to her bedroom. Seconds that seemed like a lifetime passed before he heard it.....The soft pull of the drawer in Angela's room. He heard the quiet sound of the drawer when Angela closed it again. He listened to her hushed footsteps as she padded aacross her bedroom. There was a faint click of her door and then she was walking back down the stairs!
Tony quietly opened his bedroom door and carefully peered out. Angela had stepped off the last stair. She was tapping the smooth oak back of the well-used hairbrush gently against her thigh. Tony quickly trotted down the stairs, ran through the living room and entered the kitchen. He looked at the knob to the door for several seconds before grasping it and turning it quietly. He pulled the door open quickly and looked up at Mona's apartment. He did not see Angela! He frowned for a moment before he heard it. A muffled sound barely audible even in the quiet night. Angela scolding.....scolding Mona!
Tony shivered even as his heart began to pound in his chest. He raced from the doorway of the kitchen to the staircase leading up to Mona's apartment. He listened intently to the voices coming from the arpartment. He could not make out a single word. But there was no doubt about the anger in the voices. As much as he wanted to race up the stairs, Tony forced himself to take them slowly, quietly and one at a time.
He stood at mona's door and could now clearly her Angela's words.
"...I've always had to be the parent..Mother. From the time I was a child...I was the responsible one!" Angela scolded.
"Oh! for Pete's sake, Angela you take things too seriously....You always did...You never was a little girl!" Mona chided with a giggle in her voice.
"I never had a chance to be!" Angela retorted. "Someone had to take care of you....and tonight.......I'am going to take care of you once and for all!" She declared.
Tony quickly and quietly eased the plug out of the hole he had drilled. Angela and Mona stood facing each other in front of Mona's sofa.
"What are you talking about Angela? Despite what you think, I can take care of myself. Life is not all work you know!" Mona advised her daughter
Angela sat down on the sofa. The hairbrush she had been holding was visible now to Mona. She placed it beside her. With a stern look at her mother, she pushed her short, blue skirt all the way up her long, slender thighs, still encased in those sheer, flesh-toned stockings...She patted her legs
"Come on Mother...Over my knees!" Angela instructed
"Oh! for heaven's sake Angela...You can't do this...I won't allow it....I'am your mother!"
Angela reached up and pulled Mona down over her long lap.
Tony gasped and covered his mouth. His eyes bulged!
"A good, hard, bare-bottomed spanking is the only thing that works. We both know that!"
"Nooo!" Mona cried as she fell over her daughter's strong, leggy lap! .

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 11-17-2007 at 09:23 AM.
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