Thread: My favorites
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Old 10-28-2006, 12:03 AM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 2,102
Real Spankings and their associated sites are very formidable competitors. Mike and Shaun who started that company have my highest respect. In addition to running a great company, they are good guys. RS still has some folks (Ms. Burns, Cindy and some others) who are very talented and understand the fetish quite well.

All of us who have been doing videos for a few years run into a "sameness" issue. Fresh ideas do help, but one thing I've found that seems to really make a difference is change of scenery. Our customers love outdoor scenes, for instance. Even a different house or different setting of any kind really makes the scene more interesting. Something as simple as a new paddle can definitely help.

I saw a quote from Ed Lee once where he said that the only thing that really matters are the way the models look...both the spankee and the spanker. And I suppose that's right. But it sure does seem to freshen things up when you've got a new backdrop, set, or situation.
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