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Old 04-23-2007, 02:16 AM
kaylex kaylex is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: DFW
Posts: 102
About Kaylex

WHAT WORKS: I am a hard player. I LOVE variety! And I LOVE to play! I don't do discipline (right now and won't til I'm married). Canes, paddles, straps, pervertables, hands, loopy johns, switches (I LOVE IMPLEMENTS AND VARIETY).... bring it ON!! I don't bruise much anymore (pout). I'm pretty stoic during a spanking (ok some would say I'm not human). I have the pain tolerance of a linebacker. I like playing for extended periods of time.

ROLEPLAY: Love it but require a definate start and stop. I hate it when fantasy and reality kinda collide. I don't have a bedtime if we are roleplaying, game on, let's discuss it and play, if we aren't role playing don't bring it up because i don't have one. I Like more traditional role playing... not into the sexual stuff.

SUBSPACE: Hands send me into subspace if done well. I can take a HARD hand spanking but that isn't going to send me to subspace. For subspace it needs to be moderate and steady not so light it's annoying but not so hard that I have to concentrate to get through each smack.

WHAT I HATE: Don't use your fingers to barely touch me, or use your fingers nails on me like a chalk board or anything else that will give that sensation. I hate it, it gives me the heeby jeebies and ruins any headspace I'm in (and if You get me at the right time I get downright ANGRY). And if you hit HARD and have bad aim and I know you well I may hit back (but only if your really off and i know you should know better). I dont take anything off above the waist. I understand that some spankers get really hot during play... I however am usually cold... so if you need the room cold I want a blanket and I'll take my pants down but not off I need the warmth. (Lay off the "i'll warm you up" jokes, It just doens't work that way) Also if you're not my boyfriend I'm not going to keep my bottom bare unless the front of me is covered (in a corner is fine, walking across the room is not, i'm not going to stand before you with my front exposed.)

BRATTING: I like to brat but sometimes with having appointments at parites I don't really get a chance to. If i bite, pinch or pull your hair (head, eyebrows, leg, arm) It's an open invitation.

Alright that's my info, I'll Edit if I think of other things,
Bare facts,

Last edited by kaylex; 06-26-2007 at 05:02 PM.
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