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Old 01-19-2007, 11:31 PM
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spanked~amber spanked~amber is offline
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Lost & Found Part 6

Her day was not as productive as she had hoped. The night before was still haunting her. Aubrey slipped into her favorite over sized t shirt and crawled into bed. She had only written 3 items on her list. Closing her eyes she tried to imagine the response she would receive from Mr. Leviston. She had one more day to have the list completed. The deadline loomed over her like a dark cloud. Her eyes slowely closed. Sleep had finally come...
"You may enter."
She timidly walked into the room, her palms clammy and her mouth dry, she approached his desk. Not knowing whether to wait until he had stopped writing, or to speak, she found her feet and lips had froze.
"Do you have something for me Aubrey ?"
The words almost stuck in her throat. She managed a weak smile before answering.
"Yes I, I mean yes sir, I have the assignment...Mr. Leviston it's not quite completed..I uhmm-"
Looking up over his glasses at her he raised his left eyebrow. Just slightly. This sent her into almost a panic.
Clearing his throat he sternly asked ; "Not quite done ?" Did I ask for a mere attempt to complete this assignment ?"
Aubrey wanted to crawl under anything. Looking at the floor she heard herself whisper.
"No sir."
"Young lady, If you are hoping that the floor will have sympathy and swallow you up, I must inform you that you need not worry about it."
Shocked, she looked up and met his eyes with her own.
He continued. "You may go, seeing that you are not taking this seriously. You are wasting my valuable time as well as your own."
"But Mr.Leviston...please, I do want..." It only took a second for her to realize that her words would not help her now. He had resumed writing as if Aubrey were no longer in the room.
Feeling as if she had failed a huge test she slowly turned and walked towards the door, she managed to fight the tears until she had closed the door behind her.
Her eyes flew open quickly as she tried to find the snooze button on her alarm clock. Grateful that she had only endured a dream she arose with conviction and motivation. After her shower, Aubrey sat at the table with paper, pen and a large cup of hot coffee. The thoughts were much clearer now and she quickly put them onto her paper. After two more cups of coffee, she had finally completed her list. She felt a little less guilty with the exception of her Friday night weakness. That was a bridge she was sure she would not cross alone.

To be contionued
Happy spanking,
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