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Old 10-20-2006, 01:52 PM
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spanked~amber spanked~amber is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Texas
Posts: 520
Unhappy A real spanking experience; An Unladylike Word Earns The Belt

I was in the fifth grade and usually pretty quiet. Well this particular day I should have stayed that way, but no, I just had to see what it was like to say a curse word. With the exception of Kindergarten and 1st grade, I had not been in any trouble. I take that back. I almost got paddled in the 4th grade during science class for giggling and "disrupting class" after being given a warning. My best friend and I were given the choice of writing the multiplication tables or taking 3 swats with the paddle. Even though math was and still is my worst subject, lol -I found myself seeing numbers for the next day or so. Anyway, back to my being a big mouth...
We had just come in from recess and another girl and I were doodling and drawing on paper while waiting for our teacher to appear. I drew a girl and before I knew it, don't ask me why, I called the girl in my picture a B**** ! This was overhead by a couple of boys in my class who were notorious for getting licks for swearing. That was one of our teacher's rules and it was an automatic paddling if you were caught. Well they had a hay-day with this ! Mrs. Dalton ! Mrs. Dalton, little Amber said a cuss word !!!!!!!!!!(yes I was a runt back then too, lol.) Mortified, I turned to see my teacher with a look of utter shock on her face. She had the class line up to go to P.E. and told me to stay. Uh Oh. She came and sat in the desk in front of me and asked if I had really said a cuss word and if so, what word did I say. Confessing and having to say it ,was punishment enough in my opinion. I absolutely adored my teacher. I told her, with my head hung of course. She sat quietly for a moment before speaking. "I am not going to paddle you, I have never had any trouble out of you before. But I do want you to do something for me." This is where things got really bad for me. "I want you tell your parent's what you just told me." I was horrified and already in tears. So I pleaded. I figured it couldn't hurt. "I would rather you paddle me, please don't make me tell my parents." She looked at me sympathetically, but didn't budge. "I know it will be hard, but you knew what you did was breaking a rule, and I expected better out of you. It's not like you to be unlady like. Words like that shouldn't be coming from a little lady." I certainly felt doomed and immediately begin trying to come up with a plan to get myself out of what I knew was coming...
to be continued
Happy spanking,
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