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Old 03-10-2008, 08:19 PM
FloridaMichael FloridaMichael is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 14
SWflabrat definitely knows how to get herself spanked, and yes, long warm-ups by hand can do wonders to reduce bruising.
You might have to decide whether your fellow is a true spanking enthusiast. Some guys just cannot get past the belief that they are hurting the woman, and they can't do that. They're never going to be true spanko's.
If you believe he's the real deal, you might also suggest rubbing with cream and applying some ice, right after spanking. Both will reduce bruising. You also can use arnica afterward -- it comes in a cream form, and it also comes in pills that you can take beforehand, if you think you're going to be getting a spanking!
Next, wood will bruise a lot more than other implements. Leather, used properly and not wrapped around the hips, will redden the cheeks quite nicely, but should not leave a lot of bruises, if any.
Hope this helps.
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