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Old 12-29-2006, 03:05 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: USA-Kentucky
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Originally Posted by sarah thorne View Post
I met RG through a forum too. The same one.
Strange thing was, neither one of us was looking for a partner, either!

It was on SIN, on the discussion board. Even though SIN has a large personals section and is known for the feature, it also has/had a very good discussion forum, one of the best on the net. We had both been members for a long time. (In fact, I had been on SIN since the earliest of days, back when it was little more than the simplest of message boards and called "Spanking Memories").

Sarah was a very frequent poster while I was much more occasional. Nonetheless, we both knew the other's IDs from our posts, and on occasion it would be apparent that our political views were aligned with one another because they weren't with almost everyone else on the board. Other than that we really knew nothing about each other, including whereabouts. One day a member from England posted a question asking if anyone lived in Louisville, Kentucky, because they had seen something online about a shop there. They were hoping that someone could actually stop by the shop. I was going to reply that while I was not in Louisville I was in Kentucky, and often went there. Before I could post, however, I noted that Sarah had already replied that she lived in Louisville. We were only 90 miles apart. We e-mailed for a long time as just net friends, and came to know each other better. Much later, we had a meeting over lunch, again, as friends only, and disovered that the other was just as nice in person as them seemed online. (Well, I better not speak for her! SHE seemed as nice in person as she was online. ). Later, circumstances changed for both of us and after we had parted ways with our previous partners, a romantic relationship began sparking and then began to slowly grow. The rest, as they say, is history.
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