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Old 11-11-2006, 11:07 AM
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spanked~amber spanked~amber is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Texas
Posts: 520
This may come as a shock to you all, but yes, I was paddled in school. More than once even. I was very young. My kindergarten and first grade years were spent in a Christian Acadamy. We had two teachers in our room. One of them was like a grandmother to my twin & I. She adored us. That being said though, she still made us follow the rules. The first paddling I recieved was from the other teacher for climbing on top of my desk. Well geeez, let me explain-I had good reason, at least I thought so at the time. Our desk's weren't individual ones, it was wall length ones that pulled down from the wall. Dividers were placed in between each student. I could barely reach the top of my section. One day while both teachers left the room, I had this notion pop into my head to crawl up onto the desk and look over the divider into my friend Kimberly's section. It was a lot of fun until the other teacher walked back into the room. My full named was spouted along with "Just what in the world do you think you are doing ?!?!" I hadn't thought about coming with a good reason before climbing up there. So I said the first thing that popped in my little head. "I wanted to see what it looked like from up here." Bright student I was. tee hee. This reply for some reason, seemed to make her face even more red. Before I knew it, she was already across the room and taking me down from my desk. My hand was grabbed and I had to almost skip to keep up as she escorted me out the door and down the hall. Now that hallway looked as if it went on for miles ! But we sure did make it to the third door awfully fast. A chair was placed in front of me and I was ordered to bend over it. She pulled a drawer out of the small table by the door and retrieved the red ping pong paddle. I had never felt one before that day. I just remember that it stung a lot. After the second swat I pulled my feet up behind me and up to my bottom for protection. I was quickly warned that I could take my next swat "like a good girl" or Bro. Danny could finish the job. My feet returned to dangling and the last swat was made to count the most. I don't remember seeing all eyes on me as I came back to the room- I kept my head down as I returned to my chair. I do remember feeling all eyes upon me though !
Happy spanking,
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