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Old 06-27-2007, 06:50 PM
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sarah thorne sarah thorne is offline
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I am like you - "short" story is hard for me cuz I like to give the characters depth, create the plot by giving background and explanation. That's what makes a story!!!

That said - I can relate to this!! There were some things I had done in high school that RG forever says I should have gotten good and spanked for and this scenario is similar. Except I changed grades on the report I had to bring home from school and intercepted mail to keep my father from getting the originals. One year, my brother the accomplice, actually BURNED the ones that came in the mail! Father dear was not too happy about that when he found out. Alas, his favorite punishment was to condemn us to hard labor in the yard and house.

I like the suspense at the end -- hearing Dad get home. Uh-oh!!

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