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Old 04-06-2008, 09:09 PM
jerseysweet jerseysweet is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 168
"Not now, but maybe later" really can mean, later.

If someone doesn't want to play with you, then they say "Maybe later" all of the other times you ask them, then they don't want to.

This requires some brain power - look at a person when they are giving their reply, watch how they move, their facial expression, how they say it, and are they looking beyond you when they say maybe later?

It's important to be able to not only verbally communicate but read peoples physical reactions to you.

ie. if someone cringes when you come near them and ask them to play, and they say "Not now, maybe later" I wouldn't ask again.

I guess I am just overly used to creeps approaching me at parties/clubs and even if I tell them no thank you, they come up after they've witnessed me playing and say "Put you played with him" and then you're like "Because he isn't a creep". It's tough to be the keeper of the key so to speak.

But women get turned down as well. Not as often, but it happens. Everyone gets rejected at some point. Cut your loses and move on.
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