Thread: arrested
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Old 12-21-2006, 03:13 PM
Posts: n/a

When my sister was 13 she was at a guys house and there was alot of other people there and there was people drinking. The guys ex wife showed up and saw alot of girls there and was pissed off and called the police. My sister went to jail for minor in consumption.My mom and I went to get her. At the jail I was kinda freaked out by it because I hadn't ever been to the jail and going to get my sister was knida wierd She was released and her and I were in the wainting area while mom was still talking to the officers. I ask her if she was scared and she said scared moms going to beat my ass. I never thought of that! Sure enough when we go home beat her with dads belt right in the front room over the couch.
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