Thread: "Birthday Suit"
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Old 10-01-2010, 12:30 PM
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"Birthday Suit" Part Two

By Carl Philip Michaels

"Julie Marie Phelps, get your bottom downstairs!" James bellowed. He and his wife Marianne were more than a little put out with their eldest daughter. It had only been a month since Julie's last suspension for cheating, and here they were again! The Phelps were both professional educators, and they sacrificed a lot to keep their kids in private school. Their meeting with the Principal had been as humiliating for them as it had been for Julie. St. Mark's zero-tolerance policy for academic dishonesty required that second time offenders be issued a five-day suspension. Ms. Farnsworth had been kind, but had warned them that a third offense would result in Julie's expulsion from St. Mark's.

The ride home had been fraught with tension, with Julie crying softly in the back seat and her parents fuming in the front. When they finally reached their driveway, Marianne had said, "You go straight to your room, young lady. You'll find a new article of clothing on your bed; put it on and then put your uniform back on. We'll call you when we're ready to deal with you."

A new article of clothing? It can't be anything I WANT to wear, Julie thought disconsolately. She went upstairs and checked the bed. There was a G string virtually identical to the one she'd been admiring in a catalog. She was confused; her mom had said "absolutely not" in response to that request. She stripped off her skirt and panties, and put the new underwear on. Checking the mirror, she saw her white, curvy bottom; instead of feeling deliciously naughty as she had hoped, she just felt embarrassed. Her father's words, "You just might be in your birthday suit," dominated her mind. What if this was all she got to wear? She would absolutely die if she had to take off her bra in the living room! Julie lay face down on her bed, cursing herself for her lack of self control. Why had she let this happen again, when she knew how awful it was to be spanked in the living room with her brother and sister watching? Why did she have to be born into a family that spanked? She was shaken from her unhappy reverie by her father's booming voice.

"Julie! Downstairs, right now!"

I'm coming, Dad!" she called, standing up and feeling a little lightheaded. She put her skirt back on hurriedly and came down the stairs, feeling like she was on her way to her execution. Upon entering the living room, she was dismayed to see the spanking chair in the middle of the room and her father standing next to it, hairbrush in hand. Her mother was in the easy chair, and Jared and Sasha sat on the couch expectantly, trying not too look TOO eager for a recap of last month's exciting show.

Her father sat in the chair and beckoned her over. Looking like the naughty schoolgirl she was, she tiptoed toward him, groaning inwardly. She stared down at her toes in her knee socks.

"Julie Marie, look at me," Dad said firmly. She forced herself to look up. "Last month, I took time off work to help you get back on track at school. Your mother spanked you three times, and you assured us your cheating days were over. Now here we are." Julie blushed deeply and studied her toes again. "It's clear your punishment had no impact on you whatsoever."

Julie's head shot up. "No, Daddy, it was AWFUL!!"

"Well, if you thought your last punishment was ‘awful,’ you’re certainly not going to enjoy this week. You’re as brilliant as the day is long, Julie; the fact that your're cheating tells me you’re just being lazy, and I won’t have it! We're not going to let you get yourself thrown out of school. To begin with, as a twice-suspended student at St. Mark's, you have no business wearing the school's uniform. Take it off and hand it to your mother."

Julie's jaw literally dropped. She'd been trying to mentally prepare for this, but she didn't think it would start until Monday. She gave her mother an imploring look. "I'm sorry, Julie, but you've brought this on yourself," Marianne said, standing. "You heard your father. Strip!"

Julie groaned audibly, and caught a glimpse of her brother and sister, literally on the edge of their seats and totally caught up in the psychodrama playing out in front of them. She unbuttoned her vest and blouse, took them off, and handed them to her mother, who folded them and put them over the arm of the chair. Julie crossed her arms in an automatic attempt to cover her chest. "Your skirt," said her mother. Julie looked at her pleadingly. "Please, Mom..."

"Your mother and I are in no mood to repeat ourselves tonight," James said sharply. Whimpering a bit, she stepped out of the skirt, handed it over, and stood in just her bra, panties and knee socks. "I believe the socks are part of the uniform as well," James observed. Julie peeled them off one at a time; somehow handing those over to her mom was most embarrassing of all. "Hands on your head, young lady," her father commanded. With a sob, Julie complied. James then allowed a full minute to pass, saying nothing, but looking directly at his errant daughter. Finally the tension became overwhelming, and Julie cried, "Please, Dad, let me go to the corner!" She surprised herself by saying this; corner time was something she hated even worse than spanking, but it was better than standing in he middle of the room under such intense scrutiny!

"All in good time," James said. "First, you need to know that what you're wearing now is your ‘uniform’ for the week." Julie gasped out loud. "We've arranged to have your homework assignments sent home, and you'll complete every one. In addition to your homework, you will write a six-page essay in perfect longhand called 'The Importance of Academic Honesty.' You'll also give your mother and me a break by doing the bulk of the housework."

"Like this?" Julie squeaked.

"Yes, like that, but with an apron on, of course," her father answered.

Jared and Sasha could barely contain their giggles at the thought of their big sister as a barefoot maid in her underwear and an apron!

Marianne said, "Unfortunately, neither of us can afford to take any more time off work right now, so we've arranged for Sylvie to come over and stay with you during the day."

"Oh Mom, you CAN'T!" Julie cried in desperation. Sylvie was her 18-year-old cousin, a college freshman and Julie's idol. More than anything, Julie wanted the young woman to see her as mature and sophisticated. The thought of her cousin seeing her in this humiliating predicament was positively mortifying!

"Actually, it's already arranged," James put it. “She's coming over Sunday night and she's going to stay in the guest room for the week. She'll be reporting to us every evening on how you did that day. So if you don't want a spanking in front of her on top of your daily bedtime spanking, I suggest you do all your work and do it well."

Julie’s world was truly crumbling around her.

"Speaking of spankings, it's time for you to go over my knee, little girl."

"But…but Dad, you said it would start on Monday!" Julie sputtered.

"I know. This extra one is for the embarrassment you've caused your mother and me." With that, he took his daughter by the wrist and guided her over his lap.

{End Part Two}

Copyright 2010 Carl Philip Michaels
All Rights Reserved

Last edited by carl35; 10-12-2010 at 11:21 PM.
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