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Old 07-31-2008, 08:49 AM
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lil_dixiedarling lil_dixiedarling is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 545
In my own opinion it isn't a matter of finding someone who can spank hard enough to cry it is going to have to be someone you connect with enough to bring tears about during a spanking.

I have had some sessions that left me completely black and blue afterwards and I barely moved and made no more noise than a possible gasp for air upon impact a few times. However, I've had other sessions with someone I'm extremely connected with and a few strokes and I'm starting to sniffle because it was all based upon emotions and emotions are the only thing that can bring tears for me.

I realize that you may be different because arent we all, but might be a good place to start with just finding someone you can have a connection with and build from there.

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