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Old 12-02-2006, 03:37 PM
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Spanking In History: Stinnett, TX

I'm going to start another topical thread here which I will repeat on occasion. "Spanking in History," wherein we will highlight some item about spanking from past times. No promises on how frequently this will occur, and if anyone else wishes to participate, please, by all means do so!

The only think that I ask is that you be stringent about getting the citations or sources, so that we know that it is factual.

For the first item, I wish to thank Megan Lowry who sent this to me in the past. Megan is a member here, though she seems to have not been around much, lately.

The story is from the Port Arthur, Texas, news. I've copied the headline from the top of the news page (Megan sent me the entire page), for reference. The "10" is page 10.

10—The Port Arthur News SUNDAY. JULY 30. 1967

Suits Filed Over
School Paddlings

17-year-old high school girl has
testified she was p a d d 1 e d so
hard at Stinnett High School last
December that she had to have
treatment from a doctor.
Emma Griffin said Robert
Pierce, at the request of Mrs.
P_ierce, administered the padling.
The Pierces, both teachers,
high school principal Robert
Montgomery, and superintendent
Harold Dalton, were named in
suits filed by attorneys for Miss
Griffin and another student, Ginger
Ann Powell, 17.
Defense attorney James Lovell
said the school has a policy of
sending pupils who fail a test to
study period- Both girls were allegedly
paddled after they failed
Jo show up for the study period.
A jury trial got underway Friday
wiUi the suits asking 511,015
each for the alleged damages.
The suits said each girl received
one swat from a man teacher
"wielding an excessively large

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