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Old 06-02-2008, 04:54 PM
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qttink22 qttink22 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Southern California
Posts: 33 are a few more simple, silly ideas...

Buy some shoe polish that's the same color as the phone in his hotel room and coat the receiver with it when he's not looking. When you step into the restroom, bring your cell phone with you and call his hotel room. Make sure you hang up your phone and open the door just as he's answering so you get to see his reaction. Or...

Take the bar of soap from his shower and paint it with clear nail polish. Make sure there's time for it to dry before he'll be taking a shower. When he attempts to use it next time...he'll wonder what in the world is wrong with the #$%& soap!!! And finally...

If you're somewhere where it's cold enough outside that it's snowy or icy, at the very end of the night open his bathroom windows completely. Then flood the bathroom floor with water and shut the door. When he goes in there in the morning, it will be nice and cold...and a bit slippery on the icy floor!
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