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Old 03-27-2008, 09:38 PM
Spankzz Spankzz is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 12
Hilltop Estate - Ruth

Hilltop Estate - Ruth

I love spanking my young female servants. I especially enjoy the first spanking I administer to a new girl. They are always so timid, fearful, and embarrassed when they come to see me that initial time. It’s exciting to see their humiliation increase as the spanking progresses. I try to make them ill at ease and ashamed the entire time as part of the punishment. Most of them have a natural tendency to be submissive, but those that don’t, I quickly train to be so.

My newest servant, Ruth, was submissive from the start. I made her knock on the study’s door several times before acknowledging her presence. She entered the room trembling and blushing with her eyes on the floor. I made her stand in front of me for a moment then asked in a dominating voice, “What’s your name, girl?”

“Ruth, sir,” she answered in a quiet little voice.

“What’s that? I can’t hear you. Speak up.”

“Ruth, sir,” she said somewhat louder.

“Well, my name is David Wainwright and I’m the master of Hilltop Estate. You may call me Master Wainwright, or Master, or Sir.”

“Yes, sir, Master Wainwright,” she answered with a quiver in her voice.

“How long have you worked for me?”

She looked at my face for the first time and answered, “Almost three weeks, Sir.”

“And why have you come to see me tonight?”

It took her several attempts before she was able to say clearly, “I’ve come for a spanking, Sir.”

“Not even three weeks and you’re already here to be punished! You must be a very bad little girl.”

“Oh no, sir, I didn’t mean to be so clumsy. It was an accident.”

She was almost in tears now. Of course, I already knew her name, how long she had been here, and why she was getting a spanking. However, questioning her about these things let me learn more about her. She was petite with long auburn hair, a perfect hourglass figure, rosebud lips, and beautiful light blue eyes. She was the cutest servant to come before me for a spanking in a long time and I meant to make the most of it. “Servants don’t usually get disciplined for clumsiness; there must be more to it than that,” I insisted.

She broke into a soft sob as she replied, “Yes, sir. It was the third time this week that I broke something, and this time it was a valuable vase.”

“Are you always so clumsy young lady?” I asked harshly.

“Oh no sir, it’s just that when the butler is watching me, I get very nervous.”

“Well, you had better get over that quickly or you’ll be in here every week,” I commented.

“Yes, master. I’m going to be extra careful anytime he’s around from now on,” she replied. She paused a moment then asked, “Do you have to spank me, Master Wainwright? I’m so sorry for what happened.”

“Yes, you are going to get a good spanking. I’m sure it will make you even more careful in the future when you know what discipline from me feels like. Have you talked to the other girls about the spankings they’ve gotten from me?” I asked next.

“Last night, Elizabeth told me about the first spanking she got from you a few months ago.” Her voice was trembling as she said this.

“Good, then you know what to expect. Come over here and let me undress you.”

I stood up as she hesitantly approached. When she was standing in front of me I commanded, “Lift up your arms.”

I proceeded to pull her dress up over her head and place it on my desk. She was wearing a chemise and a short pair of pantaloons beneath. As I started to raise her chemise, she lifted her arms again obediently. She was shaking and blushing but offered no resistance to my undressing her. I bent down as I lowered her pantaloons and she gracefully stepped out of them.

I led her over to the chair I was going to use for the spanking and sat down, but made her stand in front of me as I slowly examined every inch of her body. I ran my thumb over her full lips, fondled her soft breasts, felt her flat stomach, and slid my hand down her shapely legs. She had a magnificent body. When I finished I said, “You have a lovely body, my little Ruth, turn around now and let me see the rest of your charms.”

Her tiny waist and full hips were a delight and just perfect for spanking. I rubbed and pinched each buttock, and then caressed the insides of her thighs. After drinking in her beauty for several moments I said, “Come sit in my lap so I can take off your shoes.”

I doubted if she had ever stood nude in front of a man before and was certain she had never sat in the lap of one while naked. I admired her spirit as she approached me with little delay and molded herself to my lap while dreading what was about to happen. I quickly reached down and unbuckled her shoes as she lifted each leg to make it easier. She was now completely naked, sitting in my lap, her feet not quite reaching the floor on my right side, and her arm around my neck. I supported her back with my left hand and placed my right hand on her leg.

Once again, a soft sob broke out from Ruth at her predicament. I rubbed her back and her thigh until she quieted down, then helped her reposition herself so that she was face down over my lap with her behind raised up over my right knee. I took my time rubbing, patting, and squeezing each white buttock, and then opened her legs a little and ran my hand up the inside of her thigh until my fingers brushed her pubic hair.

“Ruth, I’m going to begin your spanking now. It’s going to be long and painful, but I know it will surely help change your behavior.”

She tensed her behind as she answered, “Yes, Master Wainwright.”

Since this was the first time I had spanked Ruth, I knew nothing about her pain tolerance or her tendency to bruise. Therefore, my plan was to start very slowly, going for length rather than harshness until the very end of the session. I started spanking her bottom with slow swats that were not much harder than playful pats. Gradually, I increased the strength of my slaps but not the speed. I spread the swats all over her derriere and continued like this until her entire behind had turned pink. Once or twice, she let out a soft, “Ow,” but was quiet the rest of the time. Occasionally, I would grab a handful of the soft, warm flesh of her ass, give it a good squeeze, and then shake it. She always jerked when I did this, but said nothing.

Next, I targeted her thighs and that got an immediate reaction from her. “Oh, sir, please don’t spank me down there, it really hurts.”

She started sobbing and cried out more frequently. After giving her a dozen or so thigh spanks, I stopped and began rubbing that area. It was barely warm to the touch, so I realized that this part of her anatomy was hypersensitive.

After about a minute, I started spanking her thighs again, being sure not to spank too hard. It only took two or three dozen spanks for her thighs to match the pink color of the rest of her backside. I stopped swatting her at this point but kept her in this embarrassing position until she ceased crying as my eyes and hands roamed over her exquisite body.
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