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Old 03-25-2008, 03:12 PM
StripesTO StripesTO is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Toronto - GTA
Posts: 3
Why is it that we always have to label ourselves and then sub classify? It seems we have to attach ourselves to some category and then find our place within it.

I am ME and happy to be so. I love spanking... I am ME who loves spanking in all its forms. I confess to knowing absolutely nothing about BDSM and have no inclination to find out! Hooray and total respect for those who consider spanking part of BDSM. If that fits for you, then it is so.

I think when you grow comfortable in who you are and what works and doesn't for you it is easier to discard the labels. In the meantime...I'm still happy to be just ME that likes spanking!

I say who cares where spanking fits... spend more time enjoying who you are and less time worrying about what you are. In my opinion if you do that the labels will take care of themselves and it will not matter in the slightest where spanking fits!

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