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Old 03-12-2008, 05:48 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: New York NY
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Blackvelvet Is Back!!!!

Folks, this is BlackVelvet007. I was finally released from the hospital at 2pm this afternoon. The last five days have been as close to hell as I've ever come before. I have no immediate family where I live and while I greatly appreciate all the local NY folks who care about me (most of whom have already posted on the two threads started for me), I didn't get visitors during the time I was stuck in the hospital. As noted in the threads, I was diagnosed with BOTH pneumonia and the flu, which played havoc on my breathing. The whole time I was stuck there with no tv, no laptop etc, all I had was my cell phone and (thank God) the charger for it. But I did get to talk to Amethyst, Adelina, and Sherie, all of which was greatly appreciated.

So now I'm out, back online, and reading through all the posts on the two threads started by Amethyst and Adelina. It means the world to me that I've made so many friends here at MSF and that you all posted on my threads to wish me well. 29 days from now, I'm going to be with most of you at TASSP in San Antonio, and I look forward to it all the more now. Not just for all the play I expect us to do, but just to be glad to see everyone.

I hope to be in chat tonight at some point. Hope to see you all there so I can thank you again. Meanwhile, there's a lot of posts to read through and I need to catch up. But I just want to say thanks again to everyone here for caring about me and being in my corner

By the way.... about those "public hazard" comments, Adelina......(EG)
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