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Old 11-12-2006, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by spanked~amber View Post
SpankER's ;In your book, what warrants a good girl spanking ?
"Good Girl Spanking"

I think it's one of the most common phrases in our little world and, perhaps, one that does more to obscure what an actual non-disciplinary spanking is about than any other. Don't get me wrong. I have no objection to the term, and think it's quite cute. It's just not very descriptive.

Is a "Good Girl" spanking an erotic spanking, used as part of sex?

Is a "Good Girl" spanking one that someone wants, just to engage their kink in some way, even if sex is not involved?

Is a "Good Girl" spanking one given in teasing and play, again, without sex necessarily being involved?

It's all of those! And yet, in all of those categories just mentioned, the spanked recipient might also say, "Yeah, I liked that, but it's not really what I think of as a 'Good Girl' spanking." In many cases, it all depends on the definition and concept of the recipient. And that adds to the ambiguity!

Anyway, enough observational comments! Let me address Amber's question:

Under the term "Good Girl," meaning--in MY book--a planned spanking of longer duration that is a desired event, I tend to use them as rewards for some achievement. I think that the first time that I ever gave one using that term, it was for academic achievement by someone taking a college course and was going to be given (and was) if they earned a certain grade.
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