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Old 12-29-2007, 12:15 AM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Originally Posted by Kyra View Post
Well I would post my favorite sites but I don't think I can. This october britain decided for some weird reason it was going to bring in a violent pornography ban. Although alot of the rules they made seemed fair. They where totally against any kind of porn which had a person hurting another.

This really ticked me off. I can understand there trying to make people safe but to ban everything. I also read you could get three years for just owning a DVD. Lolz I was even concidering moving after this, I am not interested in breaking the law.

So yeah I don't know if it is banned or not or if they dismissed the idea. If anyone knows anything else about this please let me know.
Well, all I know is that for the last year or so, just about every video order we've shipped to the UK has been confiscated by customs. Same goes for Canada. We at AmateurSpankings are about to the point of not shipping stuff outside the US anymore. I don't know what tripped their triggers in the UK and Canada, but something sure did.
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