Thread: My Intro
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Old 12-02-2007, 03:35 PM
scarlet_ribbons's Avatar
scarlet_ribbons scarlet_ribbons is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 7
My Intro

I've been a member for a few days now, so figured I should introduce myself. I'm from Sydney Australia and kind of stumbled onto this site... lucky me I 'm still checking out the forums and enjoying the stories. I've post one of my stories and will post more over time, I hope members enjoy them.

I have been curious about spanking since I was a child (I was never spanked as a child, I was some what of an angel). As an adult curiousity eventually got the best of me and I've been hooked ever since.

I know the feelings of anticipation and waiting, I know the anguish of wanting and needing and how it can almost consume you at times. I have also known the feelings of pure pleasure and contentment that can sometimes eventuate after a session with someone you trust to take to a place you will long for again and again.

I can be playful and at times a little cheeky, but I'm not a brat... it's just not me! I hope to get to know at least some of the many members here and hope to develop some lasting friendships.

A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect...
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