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Old 09-25-2007, 09:42 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Originally Posted by kenrobb View Post
What ever happened to the "Naughty Wife" short videos that used to be on several spanking groups at Yahoo? In the early days of Real Spankings these two videos were featured as amatuer. The description was that this couple was considering going into frequent production, but nothing came of it.

The first had the young wife being bent over a chair, skirt raised for a belt whipping. One minute or so in, she was told to take down her panties, which she did with much protest. I seem to remember she counted out the licks.

The next video, about two minutes long, had her over the same chair, her panties still pulled down to her ankles, about to receive a bare bottom paddling with a paddle with holes. She counted out ten swats on her bare bottom, with plenty of "I'm Sorry!" throughout and some tears.

I lost the videos in a hard drive crash years ago and keep patiently searching for them. Anyone know where they might be? Thanks!


I'm pretty certain those videos were the early work of Mike and his wife, the original co-owners of the Real Spankings sites.
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