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Old 09-23-2007, 10:59 AM
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Jean-Paul Jean-Paul is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Arlington,Tx
Posts: 264
What do you like?

I like spanking,a lot...I like to be spanked and I also like to spank,butt..
I mostly like being spanked.I am also finding the more I am into this,
the more I am finding out new things I like that I never thought I would before.
I am discovering myself all the time.I didn't think I would have liked to
be flogged,say last year,but now I find I love being flogged all over,butt,
back,thighs,chest...And I am really loving the cane more and more,too.
I am also discovering that I can take more pain than I ever thought I
could have taken before.It doesn't bother me to bare my butt to a room
full of strangers at a party either,something I could have never done,
say a year ago.I guess my inhibitions are going away,the more I meet
like minded people.Of course I have hid all this for 30 years and now
I have a new freedom that I have never had and it is a wonderful
feeling and I feel I can't get enough.

Being more comfortable with writing about it as opposed to talking
to someone face to face about it probably goes back to the fear of
being judged weird or strange by the person you are looking at.
When you write about it,you don't have to look into someones eyes
and wonder what they are thinking of you at the time.At least for me..

But with all the new friends that I have made here,I don't have a
problem talking to someone about it anymore,cause they are just
like me,or similar,and post like this bring that gap closer together.
Finding out more of what other people like, makes one discover ones
own hidden desires and needs.
I just wish I had discovered all this years ago and thats probably why
I am now jumping in with both feet,I feel I have a lot of catching up
to do.
I would love to hear everybody's likes and dislikes on this subject..

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