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Old 09-23-2007, 01:40 AM
sandy_richards sandy_richards is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: NYC area
Posts: 10
I went to a spanking party recently and a man asked me that - "So, what do you like?" It was the first thing he said to me after "hello." The longer I'm in this lifestyle, the less I like that question. The biggest problem with it is the longer I'm in this lifestyle, the less I know what I like - at least in 20 words or less.

It was easy when I was first spanked in real life several years ago. I liked what I had fantasized about - discipline. But the more involved I got in real life, the more I experienced...spanking for discipline, spanking for fun, spanking for submission, spanking for eroticism, spanking as foreplay, spanking with a lover, spanking with a close friend, spanking with a stranger.

"What do you like?" isn't an easy question. I like a lot of things, some I never dreamed I'd like, some I never knew existed. The longer I live with this in my life, the more I change, the more what I like changes and the more it becomes just one facet of my life and who I am.

That's another reason why I don't like that question - "What do you like?" I like someone who makes me laugh and I like making other people laugh, I like kind people, I like going to movies and I like going to restaurants, I like ordering pizza in, getting into comfy clothes and watching a DVD, I like music, I like spending time with friends, I like reading the kind of book that keeps you awake until 2 a.m., and I like being spanked...not necessarily in that order.

I like spanking being an integral part of my life, but not the only part. I like being open to new things, spanko things and vanilla things, and I like meeting someone who asks what I like and wants to hear the full, complicated time. That's what I like...for now.
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