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Old 09-22-2007, 03:00 PM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: DFW
Posts: 102
Styles of communication

I have a new friend that I have been talking to for a few week now and through talking major differences in Communication have surfaced so i wanted to see what other people thought.

When asked about what I like (in this case it was pertaining to spanking) I don't really have a specific answer. i definately know what I don't like. and I realize some people have things that send them into great headspace when they have it... but I just don't. I'm not trying to be elusive or vague I just don't have a strong opinion on it. if I don't like something I'll tell you (right paully?) but as far as loving something.. the most I can come up with is I LOVE SPANKING! Any one else ever feel this way? I mean I have definate opinions on other things in life, it's not that I live in an indecisive exsistance.

Then we have the whole can you ask for a spanking. Can I.....ummm yes I am physically able to. Will I, never on my own will! If I know the other person really wants me to... well I can probably get it out but...... wow that's so out of how I normally operate. But spanking is a give and take so I can oblige but it's not going to be easy.... anyone else ever wrestled with that?

Also it was brought up that I am never the first person to bring up spanking in our conversations. And honestly I find it EASY to share about spanking when writing but I find it really hard to talk about. Why is that? I think it's because I want to (consentually) feel taken and the more imput I have into it the more I feel like I'm controlling it... But I would love to hear others feelings on it. i know I'm not the only one out there!

Ok So that's it, what do you think?
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