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Old 09-15-2007, 02:45 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Originally Posted by ToddnSuzy View Post
Finally, is any of this our business? Well, she did participate in the spanking community in a very-very public way. She went to extremes to be seen and heard and known (including her appearance as 'The Princess of Spanking' on the Howard Stern Show). Then when she supposedly exited the scene... she again did so in a very public way (going on and mocking and blasting the community). She WANTED to be a big fish in a little pond. Mission accomplished there. Unfortunately (for her)... people tend to notice when a big fish is hooked (or hookered, as the case may be).

four cents there,

Welcome to MSF. I noticed you joined up to MSF and immediately made a couple of posts regarding Katie & Jake. I sure hope that's not the only reason you joined. Because the whole Katie & Jake thing has been beaten into the ground for the past few months now. We all have opinions on it. And as I mentioned in an earlier post, the whole situation has put our community in an awkward light. And that's really unfortunate.

We've had this forum going for almost a year now and the response and participation have been absolutely beyond our wildest imaginations. One of the reasons WHY that's been is that we have all done a good job of stopping flame wars and respecting people's opinions.

Having said that, I'm hoping this is the end of the Katie & Jake discussion unless new information arrives. We've beaten it into the ground. It's a hot-button topic that seems to trigger lots of emotion. Let's table it unless something new and relevant comes up.
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