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Old 09-09-2007, 10:15 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Originally Posted by RG_ View Post
Chris, you'll notice that in my post I noted that the premise for the arrest might not be good. I entirely understand what you're saying.

I'm separating the issues. I think the arrest for the issue at hand shouldn't have happened. But since it did, who better than Katie and Jack to suffer the unfair consequences? They went beyond manipulation and lied and defrauded the kink community to steal--that's not too strong a word--their money.

I have no sympathy for them. While the kink community does not deserve these kinds of laws or actions, Katie and Jack are getting just what's coming to them. (And, no, I was not one to lose money to them. I thought they had issues all along.)

I don't mean that in any negative way toward you at all.
RG, once again I've purposely tried to stay out of the comments on this thread. But I gotta step in here for just a moment.

This whole thing with Katie and Jake is very sad. They contacted me about 2 years ago with grandiose (sp?) ideas of selling their personal spanking videos. I really didn't think they fit us that much, but I encouraged them to go for it. The new people at RealSpankings bit and started buying some of their videos. Then Katie and Jake started their own deal. And somewhere along the way, it all took a wrong turn. It's too bad that it's turned out like this.

I REALLY hate that the "bust" involves paid discipline. I do think that has its place and I certainly hope that isn't what brings them down. My guess (after reading several accounts of this fiasco) is that there was prostitution implied. If that's so, then that is the reason why this has turned into such a big deal. I'm not saying that's what Katie and Jake intended because I really do not know. But I do know if the cops thought there was prostitution, that's why it's turned into such a big story.

Regardless, this is another incident that puts a black eye on our fetish. And I know all of us hate that.
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