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Old 07-08-2007, 09:48 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Originally Posted by jackie seven View Post
First of all, I am a huge fan of Amateur Spankings. I love the concept and I think it is one of the very best sites out there, so in no way do I mean for this this to be taken as any type of criticism. But I have a question that has somewhat puzzled me for a while now.

Why are so many of the paddling videos shot with the girls straight standing up? I realize that not ALL of them are shot in this manner. But there is, what seems to me, to be an unusual percentage of them. Is there any particular reason for this? Maybe an attempt to provide a wider variety of positions, does this position lessen the pain and chance of injury to the ladies involved, or do some people just like to see girls paddled while standing straight up? Personally, I prefer a woman to be paddled while bending over with her butt in a sexy position, but that's just me.

Again, please don't take this as criticism. Its just something I'm curious about and would be interested in knowing if there is any particular reason for this, and what other's think. Regardless, Amateur Spanking is still one of my favorite sites and this is just something I consider to be a very minor flaw.


First off, I'm confused as to why you changed your pic from Bob Dylan to a football helmet.

And you know what, I'm not sure I even knew how much we were shooting scenes with the girls standing with hands on the wall. I'm LOL because our update THIS week with Mae has her in that exact position. In fact, now that I look, our last FOUR updates have the girls in that position. So I'm glad you and Dingan pointed that out. I'll make an effort to watch for that in the future.

What positions do you enjoy watching? That's a good question for the entire board here actually. Just my personal opinion, but the only OTK scenes I like with paddles are with smaller, paddle-ball type paddles. It's hard to control them and use them right OTK if they are bigger.

And DixieDarling is correct too. I specifically remember the hands-on-wall position being fairly common in the schools I attended in Oklahoma. But the bent over position was certainly prevelant too. The bent-over-desk position is the one we always use in our Paddled At School videos.

To Aurora's comment, I think I just liked the way she looked standing up with her bottom arched out. In an upcoming scene with Aurora being paddled at school, she was bent over a desk.

Thanks for the input. I'm totally good with feedback like that. In fact, I encourage it.
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