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Old 06-11-2007, 04:55 AM
Mike Schaeffer's Avatar
Mike Schaeffer Mike Schaeffer is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: IRB, FL
Posts: 138

Ok I know it's an older thread, but I was digging through the forums and figured it would be a good way for everybody to get to know me a little better....... Plus it's almost 6 am and I drank too much coffee to work through the night

I like to read and study hisotry, ancient history mostly. I'm fascinated by the lost cultures of the world and the things they built and knew without modern technology. I love to learn....

I'm a huge fan of the Martial Arts (although I haven't trained in a while). I started in Tae Kwon Do and moved on to Shotokan, Isshin Ryu, Kempo and ended up in Aikido. I've also studied toyama Ryu and Shinkage Ryu Iaido and have a passion for the Samurai Sword.

I don't watch a lot of "TV", but when work permits I watch movies and The History, Discovery and History International Channels. I also make time for the Sopranos and Deadwood.

Since moving to Florida i love watching the sunset over the Gulf and spending time on the beach and by the pool (again as work permits).

I do try to work out on a regular basis, although I miss days quite often because I can't have a set time for anything (except the Sopranos and Deadwood)

I now have a cat that wants the attention of a 6 year old that never sleep, so I guess my cat is a hobby now too.

I try to make time to get out with friends now and then to make sure I take a break and I love to go out and shoot pool (which is ridiculous cause I have a table in my basement I barely ever use)

I'm pretty open minded and enjoy all kinds of activities and music. If you'd like to know anything else, feel free to ask..... i seem to always be around here
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