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Old 06-11-2007, 12:50 AM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 View Post
I've actually seen this on other websites and video companies. Spanked Cutie has done this theme, as has SpankingOnline. Sierra Salem had a similar scene in "Being Keith Jones 2: Trouble in Carsons Gap". It's only a matter of time before AS follows through with a similar video, no doubt

There was an episode of "South Park" a couple of years ago where all through the entire show, the characters try to come up with an idea for this particular show's theme. And with each idea someone throws out, another character says "The Simpsons did it!" The idea being that just about every clever idea for that type of show had been done by The Simpsons already.

Spanking videos are no different. From the AmateurSpankings update on 4/14/06, here's the synopsis:
Bridget is Belted

Bridget gets in trouble at school. So when she gets home, she gets her bottom worn out with the belt after taking a shower.

.....and here is the link if you wanna watch:

The Simpsons did it!!!
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