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Old 06-04-2007, 07:47 PM
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texas_jack texas_jack is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 43
Ok, not sure if this is exactly what you're lookin for, but I have a childhood spanking memory in which that is exactly what happened. My brother and I couldn't have been very old as we stopped taking baths together around the age of eight or so. At the time we lived in a Trailer (no such thing as manufactured homes in those days) my brother and I were taking a bath and, as boys are prone to do, we got to rough housing, pushing and shoving and laughing and just having a good ole time. We were just stepping out of the tub when he decided to get in one last push. I started to fall back and reached out to catch myself. I grabbed the towel rod and it came off the wall with a loud sound and I fell back into the tub with a loud splash. Mom came in to see what all the ruckus was about and there I sat in the tub with that stupid towel rod in my hand. Next thing I know there I am over her knee getting a wet bottom spanking. (fortunately she didn't use the towel rod to administer said spanking) Then I got to do the spankee dance while watching my brother get his.
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