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Old 04-25-2007, 12:38 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Originally Posted by RG_ View Post

Apparently, the forum is not quite self-started yet. In the earliest days (are we old enough as a forum to say the "early days?" Hmmmm.) I worked hard to try and get it jump started, both in the discussion forum (here) and in chat, starting the Wednesday and Monday night things. One of the reasons that my post count is so high is as a result of that jump-start effort. At one point I even PM'ed a bunch of members to encourage them to post more (some of y'all may recall that). I would say that chat now works quite well on it's own, and is active well beyond Wednesdays and Mondays. Obviously, however, we need more work for the discussion board, per your observation. I've been almost dead recently as far as posting goes, and I'm still in the No. 1 position, which speaks to how dead it is. Maybe I can get active for awhile again.
This is an interesting point.

It's been my experience that you can't force people to "feed back." We've dealt with this situation for years at AmateurSpankings. We'll go out of our way to ask for feedback (good or bad) and people just have a hard time coming out of the closet to do that. The planets all have to be in alignment for most folks to "come out of the closet," for lack of a better cliche.

Some people, like RG, BlackVelvet, Kaylex, Amber, Paully, me, etc. have become completely OK with going semi-public in discussion of our favorite fetish. Even all of us took some time to get OK with it is my guess. Most people who are curious about or into the fetish are NOT that easily outed. That's been my experience anyway.

For instance, when was the last time you came here to MSF and didn't see a rather large number of "guests" reading the board?

As long as we keep the topics interesting and varied, our quiet lurking members will continue to check us out. When they are comfortable, IF they want to, they can join in.

The one thing that will surely drive people like that away is too much bickering about what's "right and wrong" about someone's preference of the spanking fetish.

There's room here for all. And I'm glad we've got both active members AND lurkers.
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