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Old 04-05-2007, 07:02 PM
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Kaylex and Emmy Show: Part Trois

Yes, Yes. We're back by popular demand. The last KES show had over 1,000 views! Do you realize how excited that made myself and my cohost.

But we're ready to get the ball rolling again in Part Three. In case you are wondering, Trois is three in French. Like Menage a Trois. Which means threesome in French, which actually has nothing to with this segament at all I just wanted to impress the studio audience with my knowlege of dirty French words.

We've decided to start this one of with a oldie but a goody. The subject of aftercare? Any stories that you'd like to share. Techniques. Anything that special. Anything is up for disscussion with this topic.

As always I'll kick it off.

I'm pretty sure I got extra aftercare at the TAS party. Everyone was always concered about Emmy's bottom. Maybe it was because I was knew, maybe it was because I'm Emmy, and maybe its was because my backside looked like hell. There was always an endless amout of rubbing and soothing and thank God for Arnica.

My most memorable Arnica run was Sunday morning. By that time, my butt was so sore I could barely take anymore spanking. However, Thomas got a hold of me for the first time that weekend and when I faught him... I mean REALLY was fighting, he subsided and I made him rub Arnica into my skin for about thirty minutes. Yeah. That felt good. But other then that I haven't had any other experience with aftercare except the hugging and the sweet words.

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