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Old 03-27-2007, 05:25 PM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: DFW
Posts: 102
This is not a "Duh" question!

Let me expound!

Most of you know I LOVE to play! For many, many, many different reasons and depending on the reason I'm playing it changes what kind of communication I want.

So If I'm Pure playing... Let's talk! Let's joke and Brat and talk about what things feel like and what effect there having or not having. Let's talk about our pasts and the stories about different toys and times.

If it's roleplay let's talk first and then PLAY!!! I don't like stopping a scene to talk.

If it's Discipline... I want to be talked to and I will answer questions but I will probably not give you much else. I've never cried, I don't usually yell out or give much reaction beyond looking miserable and sorry.

If it's stress relief.......HUSH!!!! I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to think about what you're saying. I want to slip into subspace bliss...SILENTLY! The only exception to this would be if this is after a really hard weekend of play then there needs to be a bit more communication as to what the spanking needs to feel like to help get me to that place.

OK so that's me, I may be just a tad bit stoic(?)...What about YOU?

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