Thread: Carrie Part III
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Old 03-07-2007, 10:01 PM
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MichiganHeadmaster MichiganHeadmaster is offline
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“Very well. Carrie, as a result of your actions, a miscreant was enabled to steal a person’s means of transportation. At one time, this was a capital offense. Fortunately for you, this is not now the case. Nevertheless, the victim of the car theft was made a victim once again, when the miscreant used the victim’s own vehicle to commit a deadly assault. Mr. Tolbert was seriously injured but could have been hurt much worse or even killed. Your evasion of responsibility allowed the miscreant to go unchecked and unpunished, victimizing others in the ensuing years. Although, as Mr. Tolbert said, this is not your fault, you were, in fact, one of his enablers. This was unconscionable and such behavior cannot be tolerated in a civil society.

“Carrie, you have asked to experience a severe judicial caning. I was prepared to administer a punishment of reasonable severity, because I believed that you had underlying reasons for wanting this. Having heard your confession and taking everything into consideration, I now think that severe punishment is warranted. You have asked to experience the cane. Normally, the type and severity of punishment is imposed by the Headmaster, not chosen by the one to be chastised. Therefore, I will decide the type of punishment you are to receive. My options range from a selection of paddles, straps, canes, floggers and whips. I may decide to use any or all of them.

“As it happens, however, the cane is a quite suitable implement for the type of punishment you deserve. As you have seen, six strokes over your skirt is quite enough to get your attention for several days. Two dozen on the bare would have caused you weeks of pain.

“Well, Carrie, I have decided that you deserve a prolonged caning. However, I believe that two dozen may be insufficient. You actions have hurt many. If you had been caught back then and taken to me, I would have recommended several months of confinement in a facility that imposed daily structure and regular corporal punishment, during which time I would have required you to submit to at least one punishment session of three dozen strokes in front of an assembled audience.

“Given the time that has gone by, however, and your obvious remorse, as well as the impracticality of confinement, I will instead impose the following. You are to be confined to your bedroom for the next week, except when required by your husband to perform chores or housework. You may go to work, of course, but are to report directly home afterward. Mr. Evans, if possible I would like for you to take the latter part of the week off. Both of you, in fact. At anytime of my choosing, between Thursday and Saturday, I may summon you to bring Carrie to my office forthwith. I will expect her to be prepped for her punishment so as to avoid any embarrassing situations. Ninety minutes advance notice should be more than sufficient.

“Carrie, I am sentencing you to thirty strokes with the medium rattan on your bare bottom. Each stroke will be well-laid, and I shall take my time administering them. You may expect to be tied to the strapping bench for well over 45 minutes. There will be strict rules that you will be required to follow, with penalty strokes to be given for failure to comply. There will of course be a maximum number of strokes possible, but this number will be unknown to you.

“Mr. Evans, are these instructions clear to you?”

“Yes, we’ll be here and on time when we get your call,” answered Justin. Carrie couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but knew she had little choice in the matter any more.

On the way out, Mr. Logan stopped Justin. “By the way, Mr. Evans, I should like the phone number for Mr. Tolbert.” Carrie looked at Justin. Justin had already written the phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to the Headmaster.

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