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Old 03-04-2007, 02:19 PM
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MichiganHeadmaster MichiganHeadmaster is offline
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Carrie's Judicial Caning Part II

Part II

The three sat in Mr. Logan’s study – Mr. Logan, “The Headmaster,” at his desk, and Justin and Carrie in the two chairs in front. Mr. Logan had poured all three a cup of steaming hot tea.

“Mr. and Mrs. Evans,” Mr. Logan began after sipping his tea, “I understand that you are here because Carrie has expressed desires to submit to a strict disciplinary session in the near future and, more importantly, has character flaws or other behavioral issues that would indicate a need for such discipline at times. Am I correct?”

“Yes, Mr. Logan,” answered Justin, “except that Carrie doesn’t really have any behavioral problems. She gives me plenty of reasons to spank her, but sometimes we have to stretch to find a reason just so she doesn’t miss out on her weekly discipline.”

“I understand. It’s not unusual for someone to merely crave a severe punishment for its own sake. More often, however, such a need is indicative of an underlying event in your past for which you require to make amends. This sometimes comes out as we progress in our relationship. As a rule, I don’t administer discipline for mere sexual gratification. In fact, sexual release is not provided for in my services. What a client does when she leaves is up to her, of course, but my services extend primarily to behavior modification and correction, and indicated in my advertising.”

“I see” answered Justin. Carrie listened, intently, nervously.

“Allow me to explain a little about myself and my services. I have a background in corrections but I left to pursue a more satisfying occupation. I realized after being a deputy warden in a woman’s correctional facility that women need structure and, in some cases, a firm hand, in making the moral choices faced day to day. Physical correction is integral to such structure; indeed, it is essential. Many of my charges cried out for such guidance but, alas, I was unable to legally provide it. I did the best I could under the circumstances but saw my abilities limited. Here, I can obtain the informed consent needed from my clients and proceed accordingly. My clients are exclusively women, though I will deal with errant couples. In that event, my goal is to make the gentleman realize his responsibility to take charge, and to grow into that capacity.”

“I do require formality in relations with my clients. I will refer to you as Mr. Evans, and I will be addressed as Mr. Logan. Carrie, I will refer to you by your first name. You will refer to me as Mr. Logan or as Headmaster. Although I would not presume to instruct you as to how to address your husband, in this office you will refer to him as “My Lord.” You will not refer to me that way, however, as I am not your Lord, but merely your husband’s surrogate. My authority over you, though real, derives from his consent. That is the way it must be.

“As I stated, corporal punishment and discipline is integral to what we do here. Nevertheless, there is to be no sexual contact or even the slightest sexual relationship between my charges and me. Do not mistake that as respect for modesty, however. Quite the contrary, your privacy and modesty are of no concern to me. Nor are there any “off limit” areas regarding physical contact. Your husband understands that, in administering corporal punishment, I will often need to move or remove articles of clothing, position you, check for welts and bruises, and even administer open handed punishment at times. Whether you are punished on the bare is my decision and my decision only. Once punishment has started, Mr. Evans may stop the punishment at any time and you will both be free to leave; but he will otherwise have no say in how it is administered.

“Carrie, for your part, there will be no ‘safeword.’ At least, not one which you control. Though you may quit the program at any time, any punishment, once started, will be given as intended, including any earned penalties. Your ‘safeword’ will be your husband, who as I said may cause any punishment to be discontinued for any reason. That is his absolute right. He may also order that any punishment be extended or prolonged for good reason, but only with my consent. That is you second ‘safeword.’ My job, as Headmaster, is to call off any punishment if continuing it will cause physical or psychological injury. So, although you will have no say once a punishment begins, you will have two safeguards to protect you.

“Do either of you have any questions at this point?”

“No, Headmaster,” said Carrie.

“I believe I understand,” said Justin. “Mr. Logan, do you think you will be able to administer the type of discipline session we discussed the other day?”

“Yes, I do. As I indicated, I normally require a specific reason for particularly severe punishment. However, I presume that Carrie retains a deep secret, perhaps unknown to even her, for which she requires this type of correction. Since no harm is done by indulging this desire, apart from welts and bruises that may last weeks, I can agree to provide such a session. It may well be that a reason will be identified at some future point, perhaps triggered by the experience. In any event, all I ask is that my client be prepared with an understanding of what is to occur.”

Carrie nodded.

“Now Carrie, your husband has described your fantasy. You have envisioned a prolonged caning while bared and bound to a whipping bench of some sort. Perhaps up to three dozen strokes with the rattan, and possibly more. While commendable, and doable, that is quite severe for a first experience. I believe that two dozen well-laid strokes will be a sufficiently severe punishment, taking into consideration the manner in which I wield the rattan. Any more would be likely to cause permanent scarring or, worse, cause unnecessary callusing of the skin. I propose to schedule your judicial caning in exactly two weeks. This will give you time to dwell on what will occur, and to consider what sins you are seeking to rectify.”

“I will describe your punishment in more detail in a bit. But before you go today, it is important that you experience the implement that I will use on you. Therefore I will administer six strokes with the medium rattan, over your skirt. This will give you some appreciation of what is to come. I understand that you were late getting home one day last week, when you spent too much time at a friend’s house, causing Mr. Evans’ dinner to be late. Am I correct?”

Carrie nodded. “Yes, that is correct, Headmaster.” She still couldn’t believe this was happening. Fearful as she was, though, she was hoping it wasn’t just a dream.

“Very well. In two weeks, you will report back here. Mr. Evans will assist me in strapping you to my strapping bench in the next room, the wide one that somewhat resembles a futon. It is flat but raised in the middle to hold your hips high, but you will not be bent too much. Your hands will be secured at the forward corners of the bench., and your ankles will be secured at the rear corners. This will have the effect of opening your legs a bit, exposing more area to the cane. By not having you bend too much, your skin will not be too taut, and you will be able to take quite severe strokes without danger of the skin breaking.”

“I may modify your position for the last six strokes. Mr. Evans suggested that you would be well served by welts that last for a week or two. He also suggested that the added embarrassment and humiliation of having your more open and exposed would be good for you. I tend to agree, and for this purpose our whipping horse is perfectly suitable. It is also ideal for a birching, where the added effect of the birch tips “whipping in” between the legs and bottom cheeks can cause significant distress. I may place you upon the whipping horse for the last half-dozen, but more likely I will simply place a padded roll under your hips and re-tie your knees to the bench to give the same effect. The last six strokes will certainly cause long-lasting welts and may even break the skin at least once.”

“Having heard all that is involved, do you still consent to receive this punishment, Carrie?”

She nodded again. “Yes, Sir,” she said, quite sincerely.

“Very good. Now, to address your tardiness from last week. Mr. Evans, will you please hand me the 3/8th inch cane on the table behind you?” Justin retrieved the cane and handed it to Mr. Logan.

“Now, Carrie, please tell Mr. Evans that you were wrong last week and wish to be corrected for it today.”

Carrie instinctively got on her knees. She lowered her eyes. “My Lord, I was irresponsible for staying late last week and not having your dinner on time. Please forgive me and correct me.”

“You’re forgiven. Now, please submit to the punishment to be provided by Mr. Logan.”

She stayed on her knees and looked at Mr. Logan. “Headmaster, please provide me the punishment I have earned.”

“Carrie, I will administer this over your skirt while you bend over and hold your ankles, much like for a minor infraction at a girl’s correctional facility. Please stand here and bend down now.” Carried did so.

Mr. Logan pulled the material on Carrie’s skirt forward so that it was taut on her bottom. He stood to one side, measured the cane and prepared to give the first stroke. “Carrie, I want you to hold your position and to count each stroke after it is given. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Headmaster.”

(The rest of Part II is posted as the first reply)
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