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Old 03-02-2007, 09:45 PM
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MichiganHeadmaster MichiganHeadmaster is offline
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Here is the rest of Part I:

Angie encouraged Carrie to persuade Justine to fulfill her fantasy. She helped Carrie find a vendor for a genuine British style school cane, which Carrie presented to Justin with a request that he find an excuse to use it. Justin reluctantly did so, giving her a dozen strokes when Carrie (deliberately) failed to vacuum the house one Saturday morning. Carrie was surprised at how much the rattan stung with even minimal force, and realized that a severe caning would be almost unbearable. Still, Justin was not able to bring himself to hit Carrie hard enough to give her the marks she wanted to carry with her for days afterward. Based on Carrie’s initial reaction, both knew that Carrie would have to be securely strapped to the bed, and Justin would have to ignore her inevitable screams and cries as he delivered such a punishment. As much as Carrie wanted this, even once, Justin could not bring himself to do it, especially given his lack of expertise at handing the whippy reed. He could never take a chance on hurting her.

Carrie understood and did not press it, but still her appetite was barely whetted and she craved a real judicial caning all the more. More accurately, Carrie both dreaded and intensely desired the experience, and fantasized about it regularly. She needed to experience the humiliation of being so intimately exposed while she was secured and whipped beyond her endurance. She knew that one day the opportunity would arise.

The opportunity did arise, about three months later. And when Justin brought it up, Carrie though her knees were going to buckle with the sudden rush of fear and anticipation.

Justin had Carrie view a web site named “The Headmaster.” Located in a major city about 50 miles away, The Headmaster maintained an office in a section of town that insured sufficient privacy for his practice. The office consisted of two large rooms, one of which resembled a study, and the other which contained several pieces of sturdy wooden furniture upholstered in leather and vinyl. From the pictures it was apparent that the furniture items weren’t for sitting, but for holding someone in place.

The Headmaster’s practice was described as “behavior modification, correction, discipline and punishment in a discreet setting, administered by a combination of corporal and psychological means.” A picture of a stern-looking late-40-ish gentleman sitting at a walnut desk dominated the first page. His stare seemed hypnotizing to Carrie, who temporarily forgot the implication of what Justin had now brought to her attention.

“Carrie, I came across this site a few days ago. I called Mr. Logan, the ‘Headmaster,’ and we spoke at length about what you wanted. He has agreed to see us for an initial consultation tomorrow at noon. He’s expensive, but I think he can provide what you want, or at least give you enough of a taste to let you know why you might not want it.” This jolted Carrie back to reality. Her heart sank, and she was filed with fear and - - tingling? Carrie realized that she was extremely nervous, but felt herself getting wet. As they read through the web pages together Carrie’s excitement became too obvious for Justin not to notice. He felt through her panties. “Getting ahead of yourself, are we?”

Carrie held Justin, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m scared.” She paused, then looked at him. “Take me now. Make love me as hard as you can. It’s the only way I can get this out of my mind.” She didn’t have to ask twice. He took her into the bedroom.

The next day Justin made Carrie get up early as usual, cook breakfast, clean up and do her chores as normal. “We leave at 11:00 sharp,” he reminded her. I want you on time for your first appointment.” Nervous, she did as she was told.

The drive to town was largely silent. Carrie was apprehensive, not knowing what to expect. Frankly, neither did Justin. He held her hand to reassure her. He promised nothing would happen that she wasn’t psychologically prepared for, and that anything more severe than a spanking would be done by appointment on another day. He did make her scrub herself extra clean and put on new underwear, just in case. She noted to herself that preparing to see a disciplinarian was a lot like preparing for a car accident, but that was the closest she got to making light of what might come.

At exactly 11:55 am, Justin, Carrie at his side, knocked on the door of Mr. Logan’s study. The door opened. The Headmaster appeared. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Mr. Logan.” This time, Carrie’s knees really did buckle and Justin had to help her through the door. “This happens quite often,” Mr. Logan assured Justin. “Please assist your wife to the seat in front of my desk, while I pour you some tea.”
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