Thread: Just a question
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Old 02-28-2007, 07:11 PM
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Wow, ss, what a question!

As you note, I don't think we know the answer. Further, I suspect that there is not one answer, though at some very deep level there may be come common linkages which predispose us to this particular kink. (I say "us" because I think it's a valid question for both Tops and bottoms, and an equally enigmatic one, as well.) I suspect that the answers lie within multiple realms, including genetics, psychology, and culture. And I suspect that the particular answer for each of us can be different, with different causative factors, different experiences, etc. We do know that the conscious manifestation of our kink includes a breathtaking variety of preferences and practices.

Speaking for myself, I suppose that I gave up serious exploration into why I might be like this a long time ago, knowing that at the current levels of science and understanding that the answers were not attainable in my life time. The issue for me was more one of acceptance of who and what I am, and coming to embrace that. And on that level, I have done quite well, indeed.
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