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Old 02-04-2007, 12:05 PM
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Wood Paddles Wood Paddles is offline
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Lightbulb Amber's "Big Game" Spanking

OK guys, the other night in chat I brought up the idea of our favorite spankee, Amber, getting swats for each point scored in todays "Big Game". I am wanting everyone's input on how this should work. What I have in mind goes something like this........a team scores a touch down, she gets 7 swats, the next score for that team is a field goal, she gets 3 swats plus the previous 7 again and so on. This is similar to what some high school and college cheer teams do in the form of push-ups usually. So my main question is should Amber just get swats when one of the teams scores and if so, which team, or when both teams scores? Impliment suggestions are welcome as well. Give me some feed back and help me decide Amber's "Big Game" fate.......who knows it may show up as a video in the near future.
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