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Old 03-28-2016, 08:38 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 2,104
Short version of where I think things went awry:

1) The forum got clobbered by a spambot a few years back. It was very difficult to get rid of. The forum was actually down for a few days. It was difficult to recover from that.

2) The chat area and the general forum were both being overrun by guys posing as women. That still goes on here and other places too. But it really became irritating for a lot of folks. I confronted a few of the worst offenders. And I also confronted a real-life woman who was being less than honest as well. There were a core of regular users at that time who didn't like how that was handled and left.

3) Fetlife became much more of a "destination" as the social media-type of place for spanking enthusiasts. There are more bells and whistles. Plus, the 2 people who really helped me get this forum running both had other commitments and couldn't stay with this.

Those 3 things, in probably the reverse order of importance in how I just listed them, are what happened. As moderator, I take a look at the traffic on this forum about once a week. It would probably surprise you how many people still come by to check it out, especially the Gallery.

Enough time has now gone by that it might be worth trying to schedule a couple of things to see what would happen. I'm just not sure whether it's trying to revive something that just isn't going to happen though. If other members think it's worth trying, we'll do it.

Otherwise, to those who are still coming by to check things out...great! We're always glad to have you at our friendly little spanking corner of the internet!

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