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Old 01-17-2007, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 View Post
Ditto here. No matter how noisy it was in that classroom, when a kid was taken outside for a paddling, every other kid in the room just got quiet and listened for the swats. It told me I wasn't alone, that there were others like me.
When I was in 4th grade I recall one paddling that happened at recess. I saw a gathering around the 3rd grade room door and asked what was going on, and was told that the principal was going to paddle a boy, and had gone to get a paddle. Sure enough, in another minute or so he reappeared and proceeded into the room. The crowd of kids silently but quickly parted as the came through and by, and then immediately closed back in, covering up the doorway (but not breaking the barrier). The principal made this boy bend over the top of one of the student desks at the front of row, and gave him a few licks. Since I was a late arriver, I couldn't actually see very well because of all of those in front of me.
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