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Old 03-15-2013, 05:38 AM
switt switt is offline
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I'm afraid this has nothing to do with spanking. But the lovely (and oh so spankable) wife and I are into spanking and into fantasy, so there may be more People like us .

I'm currently putting the finishing touches on a short fantasy novel (something for a quick read, not something for 20 volumes on a shelf) which should be available as an e-book for Amazon kindle by the end of this month.

Under Dark Wings
is set in a world where the touch of the Fallen spreads if skin touches skin, leading to some odd customs like strangers having to wear gloves when they enter a town.
The touch means enlightenment for those who can handle it and utter insanity for those who cannot
A dainty young peasant girl believes herself to be Okaya's Blessed Paladin and is on a self-imposed mission to stop the touched from entering Grandwall and spreading the vile touch into the biggest city in the area.

It's a joint venture between my wife and me (yes we do share a few things that do not involve her sexy cheeks turning red). The story idea and most of the characters are hers, but she never feels confident enough to write, so she comes up with ideas and I write the novels. We hope by publishing them as e-books we can also share them with others and of course make a few bucks with them.

I'm afraid except for a few "carefully placed" suggestions that someone should get whipped or paddled spanking does not play a role in this one (although we do have some ideas also going that direction for the future perhaps).

Anyway if you like fantasy maybe keep it in mind. If you wann know more feel free to send a private message.

I wish you all a spanking good time.
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