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Old 01-12-2007, 01:41 PM
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lil_dixiedarling lil_dixiedarling is offline
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Rubbing isnt usually a big issue for me. I won't usually deny a Top that does enjoy rubbing my bottom..that is if it is someone close enough to me to trust that person.
I know for me the Tops that do play with me and know my bottom enough know of certain spots on it that they try to keep an eye on and the rubbing they use is more so for a safety check for knotting and such rather than rubbing out pain and such.

I have never really been one to rub my bottom myself...never really did give it much thought either as to why. I am intriqued with the way Sarah answered though and has me thinking if that is subconsciously what is going on in my head as well - i've been called bullheaded and stubborn on more than one occassion when i can't find it in myself to just let the tears and emotions flow because that lets the other person "win" in my mind as well. Just never connected the rubbing thing to it until now - Thanks Sarah.

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