Thread: What Color
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Old 01-07-2007, 12:55 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Originally Posted by MichiganHeadmaster View Post
I drive my models crazy with this question. They show up for shoots with colorful thongs, panties, miniskirts, and high heels. I tell them that's fine, but all it takes for a good punishment scene is faded blue jeans, plain old white briefs, and tennis shoes. Or a skirt and blouse, nothing fancy.

As far as the panties, plain white works for me. Like someone else said, they're coming down anyway. Thongs work for those who for whatever reason don't want to be completely bared - then you get maximum skin exposure and still protect the naughty parts."
OK. I've purposely stayed on the sidelines on this subject for a few days. But I've gotta admit I'm getting a big chuckle out of the responses.

MichHeadmaster, I'm ROFL at you talking about driving your models crazy. I do exactly the same thing. They cannot UNDERSTAND why in the world I would not want them wearing their fancy, given-much-thought-to, very skimpy panties.

Speaking with my "business hat" on here, I'd say 95% (and I'm not exaggerating) of our customers hate thongs on our models. By far and away the #1 choice of panties is white, cotton, bikini-type panties...followed (at a distant 2nd) by boy-shorts. The end. No more or less. Those are the facts. No model I've ever met wants to hear that. But that's just that.

We sickos like what we like!
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