Thread: Crying
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Old 01-05-2007, 11:44 AM
Veronica Daniels Veronica Daniels is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Colorado
Posts: 144
I agree, faking crying is never good in a spanking video. Luckily, I have never had to fake it! I just tend to react to pain and discipline with tears.

Yesterday, for example, Dr. D strapped me with a leather strap from London Tanners that I truly just hate. It stings like crazy, and I really do not like stingy implements very much. Anyway, I know I made a lot of noise during the strapping but was bound and determined I was not going to cry...when he left the room and left me in time out, I could not keep it in any longer and cried my eyes out! I usually do not cry much after a spanking but that one just did me in! I think it was the combination of the strap sting that I find almost unbearable and holding it in for awhile that pushed me over the edge.

We are putting together a "Tears" DVD for our launch at FMS. I think you all will enjoy it!

People have asked me if my crying is real, I am here to tell you, it is all real!

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