Thread: Crying
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Old 01-02-2007, 02:57 PM
Veronica Daniels Veronica Daniels is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Colorado
Posts: 144
I tend to cry a bit when spanked. Many people have asked me how I do it and why I do it. Crying during a spanking is hard for me to really put into words. I definitely cry because of the pain. Dr. D's hand spankings are worse than anyone can imagine, and when he wields the paddle, OMG!

The combination of pain and being verbally disciplined for something I did that disappointed him is the combo that brings the tears on for me. Knowing I let him down or disappointed him brings on the tears, and the pain of the implement just pushes it over the edge.

I don't like crying during a spanking, however it is just something that happens and it is often a really good release. I do not like it when I am told that I am going to be made to cry, then I get defiant and try really hard not to and then very often don't because of that. Then the spanking is less effective because I was focusing on not crying instead of the spanking.
And, it is a lot less enjoyable for me as well.

I do like to be comforted after a spanking when I have been crying. That always feesl very nice!

Veronica Daniels
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