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Old 08-12-2009, 06:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Redskinluver View Post
I can understand why people might be interested in these cases of judicial cp, but let us not forget why these women are being punished.
They are being punished because of a warped, fanatical religious interpretation that holds sway in their countries. Frankly, I find nothing funny or exciting about their situation. Anymore than I would about slaves being whipped in the old South.
The spanking community is about what some call SSC- safe,sane, and consensual. Now we all have our fantasies-like the story someone wrote about Paris Hilton being spanked for her drunk driving offense.
Its one thing to imagine a scenario where Beyonce or Britney get their bottoms blistered for violating a dress code. But that is fantasy.
For women under sharia law living under threat of such punishment is a brutal reality.
All of that is very true, but I think there is a part of us (spankos) that can't help but be somewhat fascinated by these cases and want to know the details. I'm really appalled at the Singapore-style caning that slashes the victim's buttocks to shreds and leaves permanent scars and excruciating pain. This is more akin to torture and should not be allowed for men or women. In fact, I don't think this type of caning is ever given to a woman.

But I think the sharia type caning facing the model in Malaysia is facing is much to do about nothing. Based on what I've read, this is more of a symbolic gesture than an actual caning. I'm going to reserve my judgment about the pants wearing journalist until I know more about the procedure.

But in theory, I'm against women being whipped for things like drinking beer and wearing pants or most anything else for that matter. And I'm not really in favor of judicial CP for not only women, but anybody. However, when cases like these are reported in the mainstream media, where women are facing the lash, there's just something in my psyche that causes me to pay attention.
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