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Old 07-01-2009, 11:46 PM
renoswitchguy renoswitchguy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 12
Smile Hello From Reno!

Hi, my name is Aaron and I'm a little late coming out of lurking... age 58... better late than never. I am happy to switch but my fantasy from age 7 or so has been to be taken over the knee of an attractive woman for a bare-bottom spanking. I have a special interest (OK, fetish) for a woman dressed in a skirt or dress, frilly blouse, pantyhose, and high heels. In my fantasies, I am either an adult or a teenager being spanked on-the-spot for a naughty misdeed, or made to wait several hours for a promised spanking.

I have a degree in literature, and look forward to posting some stories.

But enough about me. I would love to respond to anyone with questions, suggested fantasies, etc. I hope to not only have fun on this forum, but also to be of some small service to the folks here.

Looking forward to being an active member.
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