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Old 05-31-2009, 08:09 AM
tubaman tubaman is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Richardson, TX
Posts: 182

Dear Friends,

As some of you may know, Lyn has been going through some experimental chemo treatments in San Antonio. However, the side effects very nearly killed her, and there was no improvement in the cancer. Lyn's doctors consulted with her and she agreed that there is nothing more we can do to save her life. From now on, we will spend all our efforts making her as comfortable as possible until the cancer takers her. The doctors' estimates of time left vary from 2 months to 2 years. (It's a rare cancer, so they don't have much to go on.)

You have always been the most amazing friends to us both, and your support and friendships have kept Lyn going far beyond what we had any right to expect. For that I am eternally grateful to you all!

They say adversity doesn't create character, it reveals it. What I saw in Lyn while she faced death and repeatedly defeated it was the most amazing demonstration of strength of character I have ever seen in 56 years of life. (I call her my "little phoenix.") While she was suffering torments I can't begin to imagine, as I stood at the side and had to watch, her every concern was for me and our children. I only hope I'll be able to meet death with such courage.

Please pray for me to have the courage and wisdom and physical stamina to do right by my Lyn until the end comes.

Paul (Tubaman)
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