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Old 03-29-2009, 06:52 PM
tubaman tubaman is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Richardson, TX
Posts: 182
First, and Most Important, Thanks!

I'll have plenty of people to thank for their help with The Texas All-State Spanking Party but since I am pretty fried right now, I want to make my most important thank you first:

Anyone who has ever done one of these large, complicated parties can attest that no matter how well you prepare, you will spend much, if not virtually ALL, of your time putting out all the little fires that inevitably occur. In addition, with nearly 200 people from all over the world and the USA, with all sorts of kinks and differing ideas about spanking, the potential for even more fires to handle increases geometrically.

However, when I needed to stay with my beloved Lyn Saturday night, I was able to do so, because of the amazing friends I had helping me, and the extraordinary caliber of people who attended.

For that one night she needed so very much, to my friends who helped, and to the wonderful, kind, fun-loving people who made it a possiblity, my heart cannot adequately express my gratitude.

Thank you so very very much, and I so hope to see you all next year!

More to come (big surprise there.)

Paul (Tubaman)
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